Therapeutic Fitness
Therapeutic Fitness is a new concept in exercise available at The Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic. It combines personal training with the expertise of highly-trained professionals who are experienced in working with individuals with more complex fitness requirements. It is designed for individuals who are recovering from injury, are trying to stay fit while injured or have other conditions that interfere or limit fitness i.e. arthritis. This approach embodies the principles of Exercise is Medicine.
When should I use Therapeutic Fitness?
Therapeutic Fitness is ideally suited for individuals who are working with a physician who has advised you to include exercise in your disease management strategy i.e. high blood pressure. It will also benefit you if you are working with a physical health practitioner such as a physiotherapist, chiropractor or massage therapist as you can maintain or improve your fitness while avoiding strain on the recovering injury i.e. low back pain.
If you are wondering if Therapeutic Fitness is right for you the following 6 questions[1] can help you to decide:
- Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition OR high blood pressure?
- Do you lose balance because of dizziness OR have you lost consciousness in the last 12 months?[2]
- Have you ever been diagnosed with a chronic medical condition?
- Are you currently taking prescribed medications for a chronic medical condition?
- Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by becoming more physically active? [3]
- Has your doctor ever said you should only do medically supervised physical activity?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions you should be considering the benefits of and working with one of our experienced Therapeutic Fitness exercise professionals.
John Gray, Reg. Kinesiologist; Fabiana Lino, Reg. Physiotherapist; Tiffany Shi, Reg. Physiotherapist
Who will I see?
At the Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic our Therapeutic Fitness program is provided by Registered Kinesiologists and highly trained fitness professionals. All therapists have completed a recognized University level course in the science of human movement and its application to improve function, health and performance.
Our Therapeutic Fitness Professionals have training and certifications in physical fitness which forms the foundation for their scientifically based programs. Their training and interdisciplinary commitment helps them to limit inadvertent training side-effects by understanding age-appropriate and condition-appropriate exercise programs. Our team has the knowledge and training to understand when to collaborate with your health professionals.
What can I expect?
At your initial assessment our Therapeutic Fitness Professionals will review your health history to determine if there are any restrictions or concerns for your participation. Depending on your condition and goals they will determine which baseline measures should be monitored i.e. weight, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, etc. These measures will help to form the basis for measuring your success as you go forward. They will collaborate with your health team when more information is required prior to formulating a plan to help you meet your fitness and condition management goals.
For more information read Kinesiology services.