Do you know that the Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic treats injuries sustained from a car accident?
Whether you are suffering from a whiplash, a strain or a broken bone the therapists at our clinic are able to help you with your recovery.
Early intervention can help to speed recovery. Often your initial assessment can be scheduled within 48 hours. Emphasizing education and an active approach to the treatment of your injuries is the cornerstone of your therapy at The Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic.
We are registered with the Financial Insurance Commission of Ontario which means that in most cases we are able to bill your insurer directly for your treatment. If you wish to make a claim for rehab expenses you will need to submit the required documentation to your insurer in a timely manner. Our web site contains valuable information and a section on what to consider when booking an initial assessment. We provide guidance on the paperwork, details on billing, extended health benefit coverage, etc. For more information please click here
Please speak to your therapist and/or our accounting department if you have questions or require help with the process of initiating your claim.
Contact us at : 416 925 4687 or