Chiropractic care can be a powerful approach to relieving back pain in adults that is caused by scoliosis. Read our article for more information on how to get the help you need.

Chiropractic care can be a powerful approach to relieving back pain in adults that is caused by scoliosis. Read our article for more information on how to get the help you need.
4th in a series on causes of low back pain
Many of my clients tell me they have poor balance.
We are excited to announce our Healthy Back On-line exercise program.
I was recently at the World Congress of Low Back Pain in Antwerp (October 2019). Many of the luminaries were there and it was exceptionally thought provoking.
If you are reading this blog, you have probably experienced a low back-pain ATTACK and never want to experience another one.
One of the biggest problems I see when you are recovering from low back pain is that you are tricked into thinking you are completely better when the truth is that you still have a long way to go.
One day it starts. Your back hurts even though you did nothing to injure it. The pain is intense. You feel sharp pain shooting down your leg. You bend forward and your muscles spasm. It’s almost impossible to straighten up.
One morning you wake up, get out of bed and find it difficult to straighten up. Your back is stiff. It’s hard to bend forward to put on your shoes.
For the holiday season I decided to update my article on avoiding turkey-back and add a video on how to lift.
I am often asked whether Inversion Tables can help relieve back pain symptoms. You may have seen this treatment in the movies.