1. What is the Client Portal?
Our Portal is the electronic access which allows our clients to access electronic services provided by the clinic.
2. What can I do with the portal?
The portal allows you to:
- Register with the clinic by creating your own profile;
- View your profile and update it when needed i.e. address changes.
- View your appointment history including past and future appointments at the clinic;
- View your billing history including charges and payment
- Change your portal account password;
- Fill in the registration form and any form your therapist sends to you online;
- Access your Physiotec Exercise program.
3. How do I sign up?
- If you are new to the clinic we will send you an electronic welcome kit with a link similar to the one below:
Click on the link and log in using the log in information and password provided on the email to sign up.
- If you have been to the clinic before and are not yet a portal user
Once you have provided the clinic with an email you can also go to our website, www.orthophysio.com and select the navigation:
Use the same email you have provided to the clinic to retrieve your log-in information.
4. I did not receive the Welcome Kit email to allow me to sign up for the portal.
- Please check your SPAM folder.
If the email is in the SPAM folder it must be forwarded to your Inbox as the link is disabled when it is labelled as SPAM.
- If it’s not in the spam folder use the procedure noted in point 3 to receive your log in information.
5. The link you sent me is not working even when I try to access it in my Inbox folder.
- Please refresh your browser and try again.
- To access the link you need to double click in order for the link to work.
- If this doesn’t work follow the procedure outlined in step 3 or contact us directly.
6. I cannot log in to my account
- Contact us and we will send you a new log in and password information.
- Or, the client to simply go to our website, www.orthophysio.com and click MY ACCOUNT, click FORGOT USERNAME and PASSWORD, then proceed.
7. I would prefer another username or password
- Once you are able to log in, you may modify the log in and password information.
8. The username and password provided in the email are not working.
- Please check that the number lock and caps lock are not on when you log in and try again.
- If that doesn’t correct it follow the procedure outlined in Step 3.
9. I modified my password and I can’t remember it.
- Go to our website, www.orthophysio.com and click MY ACCOUNT.
10. There are no exercises in my account.
- It may take 2 to 3 days for your therapist to finish your program. If the exercises are not in your account in 3 days please follow up with the therapist.
- If you know that your therapist sent your exercises during your session but they are not posted, please note the system automatically uploads your exercise every 8 hours. If it has been less than 8 hours since you have seen your therapist please allow a bit more time to pass to see if it is posted. Contact us if it is not there after that point.
11. The exercises are not in the exercise program icon but on documents.
- Please let us know if it is posted within the documents tab rather than in the exercise section and we will have it modified as soon as possible.
12. I don’t see my billing history.
- This typically occurs if 2 accounts have been inadvertently set up in the system. If this happens let us know and we will check to see if we need to combine your accounts into one.
13. I don’t see my appointment history or future appointments on my account.
- It may take 2 to 3 days for your therapist to finish your program. If your appointments are not in your account in 3 days please follow up with the therapist.
- If you know that your therapist set up your appointments during your session but they are not posted, please note the system automatically uploads your appointments every 8 hours. If it has been less than 8 hours since you have seen your therapist please allow a bit more time to pass to see if it is posted. Contact us if it is not there after that point.
14. I cannot modify my profile through the client portal.
- Your profile is activated once you have attended for your first appointment. If you have yet to attend your appointment or if you have purchased items without receiving treatment your portal will not be active and you will not be able to change the information within your account. If this happens please contact us and we can modify the information for you or we can manually change the setup to allow you access.