Should you use machines or functional exercises for your knee pain? This article will help you make the best decisions for your health!
Search Sports and Traumatic Injuries
How To Shovel Snow Without Injuring Your Back
Winter can be a tough season for back pain sufferers. Follow our approach to shovel snow safely without injuring your back!
Can I use exercise to prevent concussions?
Concussion has been in the news a lot lately and there is no doubt that prevention is the best medicine.
Wrist Fractures: What to expect from therapy
Your hand and wrist are a critical part of your everyday function. Until we injure we take these functions for granted.
Preventing Running Injuries Part II
My previous article‘s main focus was about preventing running injuries and clarifying common myths and misinterpretations that many of us make.
Preventing Running Injuries Myth Vs. Reality
Whether you’re a novice, recreational or advanced competitive runner, there may have been a time where you’ve asked yourself “How can I run without injuring myself?” “What shoes should I wear?” “Is running outside better than the treadmill?” etc.
Motor Vehicle Accident Related Injuries
Do you know that the Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic treats injuries sustained from a car accident?
What You Need To Know To Prevent And Treat Shoulder Pain Caused By Swimming
Swimmers shoulder is a soft-tissue condition caused by inflammation and is the most common injury in swimmers.
Exercise And Concussion
Concussions in both youth and adult populations has been growing exponentially over the past decades.
All You Need To Know About Ankle Pain!
Even though ankle sprains are common, they are not always minor injuries. Repeated or severe sprains can lead to further problems such as long-term joint pain, weakness and ultimately even arthritis.