Search Physiotherapy

Targeting Back Pain with Acupuncture Treatment

Targeting Back Pain with Acupuncture Treatment

Back pain is one of the most common causes of disability, impacting the quality of life for millions worldwide. This article explores how acupuncture can play a key role in treating back pain effectively. How Acupuncture Helps with Musculoskeletal Injuries...

Middle Back Pain Causes and Treatment

Middle Back Pain Causes and Treatment

Pain in the middle back, or “thoracic” spine, can be caused by many factors that are easily managed. Find out how to understand the causes and best treatments for your middle back pain.

10 Reasons to Put Clinical Pilates into Your Physiotherapy Program

10 Reasons to Put Clinical Pilates into Your Physiotherapy Program

By Fabiana Lino, Resident Physiotherapist   Pilates is an exercise method that focuses on strengthening the core, enhancing flexibility, and promoting body awareness through controlled movements with an emphasis on engaging specific muscle groups.  It was...

Bio: Fabiana M Lino

Bio: Fabiana M Lino

Registered Physiotherapist, BAPT Advanced Spine Practitioner RAC   Fabiana is an internationally educated Physiotherapist who has a bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy from Centro Universitário Barão...

How to know when it is safe to exercise with pain

How to know when it is safe to exercise with pain

Should you be exercising in pain or not! by The Orthopaedic Therapy ClinicAugust 31, 2023 share this Avoid pain at all costs? Push through the pain? Pretty confusing! Luckily for you, our Registered Kinesiology John Gray and Registered...

Fitness Accelerator Program

Fitness Accelerator Program

New Fitness Accelerator program, designed specifically for you so you can get back to fitness and other springtime activities in record time!

Whether you have been dealing with an incomplete recovery from a previous injury, had a failed New Year’s resolution, or are worried about getting reinjured by resuming exercise, this program will help you reach your goals safely and quickly.