Our 35th Anniversary Guest Book
Please leave a comment and read what other friends are sayingWe’ve met a lot of people over the past 35 years and had a lot of interesting times. A few of those people have been kind enough to write comments about those times.
If you would like to leave a message on this page, please use the form on the rightnear the bottom of this screen. Or if you would like to keep your message private or send it in the form of a video or photo, please send us an email – physio@orthophysio.com.
Thank you for sharing this moment with us and here’s to your good health!
If you would like to send us a message for this page, please use the form below.
“Hello orthophysio.com webmaster, Your posts are always well-supported by facts and figures.”
— To the orthophysio.com owner, You always provide helpful diagrams and illustrations.
“The only appropriate way to describe my physiotherapist Maureen is that she is my “SUPERHERO”! I have progressive spinal cord issues and Maureen has been looking after me for over 20 years. She is extremely resourceful. She has never, ever told me that I am hopeless. Instead, she has painstakingly used her wisdom and experience to try different ways to help me. For example, through her own personal connection, I was able to quickly see a very busy specialist, and report to her the valuable findings.
Dear Maureen, I sincerely wish you and your OTC every success in the next 35 years!”
— Miranda
“The only appropriate way to describe my physiotherapist Maureen is that she is my “SUPERHERO”! I have progressive spinal cord issues and Maureen has been looking after me for over 20 years. She is extremely resourceful. She has never, ever told me that I am hopeless. Instead, she has painstakingly used her wisdom and experience to try different ways to help me. For example, through her own personal connection, I was able to quickly see a very busy specialist, and report to her the valuable findings.
Dear Maureen, I sincerely wish you and your OTC every success in the next 35 years!”
— Miranda